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We've Got To Do It Now!

By Apostle Arturo Skinner


God has been speaking to me, and I've been jotting down the things He's been saying. God is saying to this Charismatic Bible Institute: "Don't leave out soul winning. We have got to win the lost now. If we are to do this, there is something we've got to make up our minds to do, and that is to get rid of the phonies around us.: Some of them may be our sons, daughters, mothers, evangelists, and ministers. Don't let anyone fool you, you can't go forth with God, being entangled with a yoke or bondage. God said to get rid of them now. Then we'll be able to get in the place to do what God wants us to do. The saints of Deliverance have got to do it. God has raised up this Apostle... God has raised up Ministers, to get the job done. As we become flames of fire, as we work for God, the Baptist, Catholic, Methodist and Lutheran will stand at our side and work with us. 

We've got to win the lost. Those who are outside of Christ. those who are on the downward road to hell. That's what is wrong with a whole lot of ministers, you're afraid to talk about hell. We need to seek God for messages on hell. We've got to talk more about hell than anything else, because the soul that sinneth is going to hell. Phonies are going to hell. Folks that are standing in God's way are going to hell. If you're not going with God, you are going to hell. (I told some folks today to get out of my way and go to hell. I saw some big eyes, some folks got nervous, but if you are not going to heaven, you are going to hell). Now if you are in the place, let someone talk about hell all they want, it doesn't move you. you're on your way to heaven. You've been washed in the blood. You're not alarmed. None of these things move you. If you are to do an effective work for God, you must warn men and women about hell. The soul that neglects God's great plan for salvation is going to one day wind up in HELL. No, it's not just a figure of speech, I believe there is a real hell because I believe there is a real heaven. 

God said we've got to win them now. Morning, noon and night, I see souls of every color race and creed. They're crying as it were, from Macedonia "come over and help us." We have got to help the lost...win the lost, at any cost. Win those who are high, win those who are low. The rich need a Saviour, just as the poor do. The educated, and the uneducated. Let us not have a certain sect of souls we want to reach. We want to reach the LOST. Not just black, but white...red...yellow. Reach the lost! I God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life". (WHOSOEVER, that's the biggest word in the Bible). Whosoever: "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are are heavy laden, and I will give you rest". (Matt. 11:28. 

I'm laying aside every weight, that I might be able to run. I don't want to walk now, I want to run this race. Looking unto Jesus...looking unto Jesus. That's what's wrong with a whole lot of us, looking unto man. Looking unto the apostle, looking unto an organization. Get your eyes on Jesus. David said, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth". (Psalm 121:1,2). (hallelujah) God said we can do it. We've got to do it. If you make up your mind to do it, God will make the rough places straight. He'll bring down the high mountains. (Yes, He will). He'll go down and open up the rivers,...make a way through the rivers (yes, He will). He'll take you over on soul saving ground. He'll let you win the lost. Let you herald His Name. He'll let you display His power. God said, we've got to do it now. This is why I want to stir up everyone. I'm not playing anymore. We've got to do it now! The devil will try to slow us down with little things to keep us fretting and complaining. Listen, if your children don't want to be saved, let them go to hell. Get yourself some spiritual children. Don't let them worry your life into an early grave. This is not the time for dying. We want to live. (hallelujah) This is the day we want to bypass the graveyard. We want to meet Jesus somewhere by the Mount of Olivet. We want to be changed from this mortal to immortality. We want to rise... get out of this world... knowing that our work is done. (hallelujah) stop fretting yourself. Get somebody that will appreciate you. Someone who will appreciate your prayers and sacrifices.

I want to stir up every man, woman, boy and girl under me, we've got to do it now. Not just in America. now the doors are opened for Honduras. I've been praying for years for Cuba... I'm on my way there. Haiti, Africa, Asia, the world. "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15). So many want the world to come to them. God said, Go! We've got what it takes to make it. We've got to know we're saved. we need leaders whose hearts God has changed. Men who are sanctified. Men who are baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost. That's the only thing the black and white are going to recognize. Men who will stand on the breadth of time and tell blind eyes to come open; tell the cripple to get up and walk. It's going to take more than a holler and going through the motions. You've got to have the anointing. You need the Holy Ghost. God said, we can do it through signs, wonders, and miracles. We've got to win the lost by feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, sheltering the out-of-doors. We've got to tell them "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord," Romans 6:23 We've got to do it now!

If you need help in doing it now!

Write to address below or E-Mail at link below.

A. A. S. C. F.

3563 Ireland Drive

Hope Mills, N.C. 28348
